Apache Solr is a fast and scalable search server optimized for full-text search, word highlighting, faceted search, fast indexing, and more. It’s a very popular search server, and it’s pretty easy to install and configure using Ansible.

Step 1. Getting roles from Galaxy
ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.java geerlingguy.solr
Step 2. create solr.yml
--- - hosts: all become: yes roles: - geerlingguy.java - geerlingguy.solr
Step 3. run it with ansible-playbook solr.yml, then you can open http://ubuntu2004:8983/solr

if you didn’t install roles, the playbook.yml could be:
--- - hosts: all become: true vars_files: - vars.yml pre_tasks: - name: Update apt cache if needed. apt: update_cache=true cache_valid_time=3600 tasks: - name: Install Java. apt: name=openjdk-11-jdk state=present - name: Download Solr. get_url: url: "https://archive.apache.org/dist/lucene/solr/{{ solr_version }}/solr-{{ solr_version }}.tgz" dest: "{{ download_dir }}/solr-{{ solr_version }}.tgz" checksum: "{{ solr_checksum }}" - name: Expand Solr. unarchive: src: "{{ download_dir }}/solr-{{ solr_version }}.tgz" dest: "{{ download_dir }}" remote_src: true creates: "{{ download_dir }}/solr-{{ solr_version }}/README.txt" - name: Run Solr installation script. command: > {{ download_dir }}/solr-{{ solr_version }}/bin/install_solr_service.sh {{ download_dir }}/solr-{{ solr_version }}.tgz -i /opt -d /var/solr -u solr -s solr -p 8983 creates={{ solr_dir }}/bin/solr - name: Ensure solr is started and enabled on boot. service: name=solr state=started enabled=yes
Helpful Galaxy commands:
ansible-galaxy list displays a list of installed roles, with version numbers
ansible-galaxy remove [role] removes an installed role
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