Listing running applications on running servers using wsadmin scripting

# ------------------------------------------------------
# get line separator
import  java.lang.System  as  sys
lineSeparator = sys.getProperty('line.separator')
cells = AdminConfig.list('Cell').split()
for cell in cells:
    # lines 13 and 14 find all the nodes belonging to the cell and
    # process them at a time
    nodes = AdminConfig.list('Node', cell).split()
    for node in nodes:
        # lines 19-23 find all the running servers belonging to the cell
        # and node, and process them one at a time
        cname = AdminConfig.showAttribute(cell, 'name')
        nname = AdminConfig.showAttribute(node, 'name')
        servs = AdminControl.queryNames('type=Server,cell=' + cname + ',node=' + nname + ',*').split()
        print "Number of running servers on node " + nname + ": %s \n" %(len(servs))
        for server in servs:
            #lines 28-34 get some attributes from the server to display;
            # invoke an operation on the server JVM to display a property.
            sname = AdminControl.getAttribute(server, 'name')
            ptype = AdminControl.getAttribute(server, 'processType')
            pid   = AdminControl.getAttribute(server, 'pid')
            state = AdminControl.getAttribute(server, 'state')
            jvm = AdminControl.queryNames('type=JVM,cell=' + cname + ',node=' + nname + ',process=' + sname + ',*')
            osname = AdminControl.invoke(jvm, 'getProperty', '')
            print " " + sname + " " +  ptype + " has pid " + pid + ";state: " + state + "; on " + osname + "\n"
            # line 40-45 find the applications running on this server and
            # display the application name.
            apps = AdminControl.queryNames('type=Application,cell=' + cname + ',node=' + nname + ',process=' + sname + ',*').splitlines()
            print "Number of applications running on " + sname + ": %s \n"% (len(apps))
            for app in apps:
                aname = AdminControl.getAttribute(app, 'name')
                print aname + "\n"
                print "----------------------------------------------------"
                print "\n"

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