Enable Wily for the specified WebSphere JVM Instance

# Enable Wily for the specified JVM Instance

def _splitlist(s):
    """Given a string of the form [item item item], return a list of
strings, one per item.
    WARNING: does not yet work right when an item has spaces.  I believe in
that case we'll be
    given a string like '[item1 "item2 with spaces" item3]'.
    if s[0] != '[' or s[-1] != ']':
        raise "Invalid string: %s" % s
    return s[1:-1].split(' ')
#endDef _splitlist

def wsadminToList(inStr):
        inStr = inStr.rstrip();
        if (len(inStr)>0 and inStr[0]=='[' and inStr[-1]==']'):
                tmpList = inStr[1:-1].split(" ")
                tmpList = inStr.split("\n")   #splits for Windows or Linux
        for item in tmpList:
                item = item.rstrip();         #removes any Windows "\r"
                if (len(item)>0):
        return outList
#endDef wsadminToList

def installCustomService ( server, cs_attribs ):
        serverName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(server, "name" )
        customServices = AdminConfig.getid("/Cell:"+cellName+"/Node:"+nodeName+"/Server:"+serverName+"/CustomService:/" )
        customServices = wsadminToList(customServices)
        # Find displayName attribute
        customServiceDisplayName = ""
        for attrib in cs_attribs:
                name = attrib[0]
                if (cmp(name, "displayName") == 0):
                        customServiceDisplayName = attrib[1]

        if (len(customServiceDisplayName) == 0):
                print "---> ERROR in installCustomService - displayName attribute not set"

        found = "false"

        for customService in customServices:
                displayName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(customService, "displayName" )
                if (cmp(displayName, customServiceDisplayName) == 0):
                        found = "true"
                        print "     "+displayName+" CustomService object exists! Modifying ......"
                        AdminConfig.modify(customService, cs_attribs )
                        print "     Done."

        if (cmp(found, "false") == 0):
                print "     Creating "+customServiceDisplayName+" Custom Service ......"
                AdminConfig.create("CustomService", server, cs_attribs )
                print "     Done."

# Uncomment the line below for Debugging this script.
# wsadminlib.enableDebugMessages()
serverName = "";

for arg in sys.argv:
    if (arg.startswith("-appServerName=")):
        serverName = arg[15:]

for arg in sys.argv:
    if (arg.startswith("-nodeName=")):
        nodeName = arg[10:]

genericArgument = "-XX:-UseSplitVerifier -javaagent:/wily/wily/Introscope95/AgentNoRedef.jar -Dcom.wily.introscope.agentProfile=/wily/wily/Introscope95/core/config/profiles/"  + serverName + "-IntroscopeAgent.profile"
wilyCustomServiceClassName = "com.wily.introscope.api.websphere.IntroscopeCustomService"
wilyCustomServiceClassPath = "/wily/wily/Introscope95/common/WebAppSupport.jar"
wilyCustomServiceDisplayName = "Introscope Custom Services"

cellConfigId = AdminConfig.getid('/Cell:/')
cellName=AdminConfig.showAttribute(cellConfigId, 'name')
nodeConfigId = AdminConfig.getid('/Node:/')
#nodeName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(nodeConfigId, 'name')
#nodeName = 'iedm2c16Node03'

# The command below should be used for AIX server environment
#serverConfigId = AdminConfig.getid('/Server:' + serverName + '/')
serverConfigId = AdminConfig.getid('/Cell:' + cellName + '/Node:' + nodeName + '/Server:' + serverName + '/')
# The command below should be used for WebSphere in local developer environment
#serverConfigId = AdminConfig.getid('/Server:/')
serverName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(serverConfigId, 'name')
print "Server Name " + serverName

# Add Generic JVM arguments
# the pdefs come back as a string [item item item]
jvmId = None
pdefs = _splitlist(AdminConfig.showAttribute(serverConfigId, 'processDefinitions'))
pdef = None
for p in pdefs:
    if -1 != p.find("JavaProcessDef"):
        pdef = p

if pdef: # found Java ProcessDef
    jvmId = _splitlist(AdminConfig.showAttribute(pdef, 'jvmEntries'))[0]

currentGenericJvmArguments = AdminConfig.showAttribute(jvmId,'genericJvmArguments')
findSplitVerifier = currentGenericJvmArguments.find("-XX:-UseSplitVerifier")
if -1 != currentGenericJvmArguments.find("UseSplitVerifier"):
    print "-XX:UseSplitVerifier already set"
    print "Add generic arguments"
    AdminConfig.resetAttributes(jvmId, [['genericJvmArguments', currentGenericJvmArguments + ' ' + genericArgument]] )



# Save all configuration changes

print "Script finished."
run the command in DMGR bin dir:
./wsadmin.sh -conntype SOAP -host iedm2c16 -port 8881 -f /tmp/EnableWily.py -appServerName=ABPD -nodeName=iedm2d16Node04
./wsadmin.sh -conntype SOAP -host iedm2c16 -port 8881 -f /tmp/EnableWily.py -appServerName=ABPD -nodeName=iedm2c16Node03

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