Through the forest – Adam’s first poem

Sometimes I sit and wander through the forest ,
Think about humanity and how we’ve grown.
Sit and Learn to our heart desire, but then comes the moan.

Everyone hears, it haunts more then once a life,
A moan of struggles, that echoes through a pipe.

It sends a waves of a hunger for war, forcing everyone to write to their dears.
Then the moan turns into sobbing, representing the world’s tears.

The moan is of pure misery, from the depths of Tautrous herself.
Making people furious and then crumble and melt.
People start as saplings easy to break and bend. They grow, then break in two and snap.

Then I look at the great tree, standing tall and proud.
Looking down at their many branches grown each by themselves.

It only needed a can of water, a trinkle of effort.
To stand as high as the sky, tall and bold.

Looking between the two, sapling and great oak.
One prepared to snap, the other could support a boat.

Makes me wonder, what’s the difference between giants and an elf.
Then I realize that it’s only what people see in them, and what they see in themselves.

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